5 signs you'd make a great egg donor

5 Signs You’d Make a Great Egg Donor

So you’re thinking of becoming an egg donor. Or maybe you know someone who is. Or perhaps you’re just wondering about the process. Well, you’ve come to the right place.

At Ovatures,we can answer your questions about egg freezing, egg donation, and everything in between.

The Process

Luckily, the process of donating your eggs is easy. Once you’ve been approved and gone through a cycle of medication, the egg retrieval is a fifteen-minute procedure with little downtime or discomfort.

As for getting approved to be an egg donor, that’s a fairly simple process too. However donors do have to meet certain criteria.

So, just to “egg” you on, here are five key criteria that every great egg donor must meet. If you think you’d make a good candidate for egg donation, then consider taking that next step toward making someone else’s dream come true. You won’t regret it.

#1 – Enjoy Helping Others

The ideal egg donor takes great joy in helping others build their family. Donating eggs is a deeply personal gesture, so egg donors tend to have a giving spirit and a selfless personality.

#2 – Flexible Schedule

While most of the process involves simply taking medication over the 12 to 14 day cycle, a donor’s schedule must be flexible enough to fit in a few visits to the clinic for monitoring. Most appointments are in the early morning between 6AM and 8AM so donors carry on with their normal daily routine afterward. Also, on the day of the egg retrieval, donors will need a day off from work or school and have a friend or family member available to drive them home afterward. Ovatures is happy to provide any letter to support this. Most women are back to work or school the next day.

#3 – Extra Income

While the egg donation process spans a short period of time, typically 12 to 14 days, donors are compensated for their time and effort. No doubt, everyone can use a few extra dollars to help with bills, travel, tuition, or savings. And in some cases, donors may be eligible to start another cycle immediately following their next period if they want to donate again.

#4 – Positive Mental Health

While no one is perfect, a good egg donor should be psychologically healthy. In addition, an egg donor cannot have a family history of severe mental conditions.

#5 – Good Physical Health

Since research has shown that obesity and smoking can have negative effects on the reproductive system, and can even affect unfertilized eggs, egg donors need to be in good physical health. For the most part that means non-smokers with a healthy weight and healthy BMI.


If you think you may be a good candidate for egg donation, give us a call at 973-656-2876. Or go to Ovatures.com to find out more. The initial application only takes a minute or two!


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