5 Ways to Make Money This Summer

Summertime and the living is expensive. From gas to groceries, it can feel like your paycheck isn’t going far enough to cover basics, never mind giving you the flexibility to spend on a getaway or save for the future. And if you’re still in school, balancing classes and studying with a job with rigid hourly requirements can […]

1 July, 2022

At Ovatures, we have worked with hundreds of egg donors, and we’ve learned that there are as many reasons to donate as there are donors themselves. Some donors are excited by the financial rewards of donation, while others are purely interested in helping to create a family.   But there’s a newer motivation we’re seeing […]

8 June, 2022
Donor Anonymity

There are plenty of reasons to consider using donor eggs and just as many to consider donating eggs.   One of the biggest reasons to donate eggs is to give another person, or couple, the gift they desire most: a baby. Of course, compensation plays a role, too, as many fertility clinics pay donors generously for donating eggs. Donors also get […]

27 May, 2022

Going gluten-free isn’t exactly what it used to be. Whereas limited restaurant menu options and strange looks from wait staff – not to mention a whole host of questions during family dinners – used to be par for the course for men and women who chose, either out of necessity or personal choice, to go […]

22 April, 2022

*The following is a real life testimonial from an Ovatures egg donor. Though “Jane” (donor’s name has been changed to protect her privacy) had previously heard about egg donation from a relative, it wasn’t until she was pregnant that she began thinking seriously about it. “I became more interested when I was pregnant. I joined […]

28 February, 2022

Ah, a new year, a new start, right? Right! Although the Covid pandemic continues to seriously impact our lives, somehow the dawn of 2022 feels just a little bit different than recent years – vaccines are available, strains seem to be getting milder, and maybe, just maybe, life will begin to resume some sort of […]

10 January, 2022

Women donate their eggs for a lot of reasons – there are those who never want to have children but want to put their fertility to good use; those who are done having children and want to help other women who can’t use their own eggs; those who want a little bit of extra income […]

1 December, 2021

If you’ve made it here, you’re probably very interested in egg donation, and taking your research seriously. That’s great – informed and prepared women make for the best egg donors. Now let’s get to the topic that brought you here – consanguinity. What is it? How likely is it to happen? Could it lead to […]

17 September, 2021